Welcome to my webpage. I'm a Chronic Pain Management Specialist. I spent 18 years in Academic Medicine. My last academic appointment as Associate Professor was at the University of Toronto. Since 2019 Iā€™m in private practice. I enjoy my professional freedom leading two clinics and providing services in the comuunity.

I'm a member of editorial boards in several peer-reviewed journals in the fields of Anesthesia and Pain Management.  


1. I have implemented new technologies and biologic methods in treatment of chronic pain related to osteoarthritis. 90% of patients get better without surgeries. [Disclaimer: joint replacement is still required if case of deformity and severe restriction of joint range of motion]

2.  So called "non-specific low back pain" can be diagnosed and treated in 80% of cases. 45% of chronic low back pain among younger individuals is essentially becasue of internal tears in the intervertebral discs. I have developed a unique step-by-step diagnostic and treatement paradigm to cure this problem

3. My main clinical and research interests are the biopsychosocial impact of personal injury, spine pain and neuropathic pain